Teaching Assistant Experience
- Modern Information Retrieval, (Fall 2023, Spring 2023, & Fall 2022)
- Designing & grading a practical assignment about text classification, text clustering, and pre-trained large language model embeddings
- Designing & grading a quiz about text classification and text clustering
- Designing & grading a practical assignment about using NLP knowledge and model such as Transformer-based models for improving information retrieval
- Designing & grading a practical assignment about preprocessing techniques and basics of information retrieval (Tokenization, Stemming, Lemmatization, and boolean-retrieval)
- Artificial Intelligence, (Fall 2023, Spring 2023, & Spring 2022)
- Designing & grading three practical assignments about the Genetic Algorithm and Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP)
- Designing questions for the mid-term exam
- Designing & grading a theoretical assignment about the Genetic Algorithm and Adversarial Search
- Linear Algebra, (Spring 2023, Fall 2022, & Spring 2022)
- Designing & revising some lecture slides for the course delivery
- Designing & grading a practical assignment about the inner product, orthogonality, norm space, and Euclidean norm
- Revising & selecting a theoretical assignment about the inner product, orthogonality, norm space, Euclidean norm, and matrix properties
- Designing & grading a practical project that involved applying PCA, covariance matrix, and other linear algebra concepts to perform face recognition tasks
- Engineering Probability and Statistics, (Fall 2022)
- Designing & grading a practical assignment about understanding and using different types of random variables and their properties, as well as creating and interpreting various plots, such as time series plots, scatter plots, and histogram plots
- Compiler Design (Head TA), (Spring 2024, Fall 2023, Spring 2023, Fall 2022, & Spring 2022)
- Organizing other assistants & dividing tasks between them
- Correcting mid-term & final exams
- Designing & grading a practical project about implementing a mins-python compiler
- Designing & grading a theoretical assignment about variables liveness analysis, local and global optimizations, and register allocation
- Computer Simulation, (Spring 2023 & Spring 2022)
- Designing & grading a practical project about discrete event simulation of a microservice-based system
- Designing & grading some theoretical & practical assignments about statistical models and Markov chains concepts
- Advanced Programming (Head TA), (Fall 2020)
- Organizing other assistants & dividing tasks between them
- Grading some practical assignments
- Data Structures and Algorithms, (Spring 2022, Fall 2021)
- Conducting workshops to assist students with their practical assignments
- Revising & selecting theoretical assignments about different sorting algorithms and hashing algorithms
- Designing & grading a theoretical assignment about BFS and Bipartite Graph Testing
- Hardware-related Courses
- Computer Architecture (2 times) (Spring 2023, Fall 2022)
- Designing & grading a practical project for designing different parts of CPU.
- Designing & grading theoretical assignments about Register Transfer Language (RTL).
- Computer Structure and Machine Language (Spring 2022)
- Designing & grading a practical assignment about assembly programming for x86 assembly language.
- Logic Design (Fall 2021)
- Designing & grading theoretical assignments about Karnaugh Maps and Sequential Logic Circuits.